To make an online contribution:​
Please complete the form below to provide the information required by campaign finance laws, and then click the blue Submit button.
You will be returned to this page, and will see a blank form.
Click the yellow Donate button below the blue Submit button to complete your transaction. All online gifts via credit card or PayPal are processed by PayPal; you do not need a PayPal account to make a gift.
To make a contribution by mail:
Make your check out to:​ Kari Niedfeldt-Thomas New Brighton Mayoral Candidate
Mail your check (or cash) to: P.O. Box 120332, New Brighton, MN 55112
​ Contributions from an individual to a municipal campaign
are limited to $600 in an election year.
Please enter required information above before clicking Donate
Thank you for your commitment! ​Make your contribution* now by credit card or PayPal by clicking the Donate button.
​* Contributions from an individual to a municipal campaign are limited to $600 in an election year.​